Liaison EMP

Add "end by" date for repeating blast campaigns

I would like to able to set a blast campaign tier to repeat until a certain time, rather than leaving the email on repeat forever unless we come in and manually disable it.

  • Guest
  • Aug 22 2017
  • Shipped
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  • Guest commented
    24 Jan, 2019 09:40pm

    Hi Mark,

    This item isn't actually shipped. The campaign end date is not the same concept. This is so that a specific email/tier could be set to repeat daily for a certain duration, like every day for a month. Is that not being considered at all?


  • Guest commented
    19 Sep, 2018 02:42pm

    Hi Mark - thanks for the update. So you're saying that we will not have the ability to set an end date for an individual tier, but only at the campaign level?

  • Mark Lamorgese commented
    19 Sep, 2018 02:25pm

    Hi all, 

    We are implementing an End Date field for ALL campaigns, and not just Blast campaigns. After much discussion on this feature request, we have decided to put an end date at a higher level so that it can be utilized for all types of campaigns. 

    I know it is not exactly what this request is asking for, as you will have to set the end date on the campaign itself, but it is the only option at the moment to address the issue. I hope it will help.

  • Sarah Diane Sadowsky commented
    13 Aug, 2018 02:30pm

     This would be fabulous.

  • Guest commented
    6 Dec, 2017 05:23pm

    This would be so useful.