Liaison EMP

Add GIFs or Videos to EMP Emails

I would love to be able to add .GIF or .mp4/YouTube videos into EMP emails to allow for more interactive and interesting emails. Adding movement or interest into the emails may increase click-through rates and overall interest in the content we are sending.

  • Katherine Bourcier
  • Jan 17 2019
  • Already exists
  • Attach files
  • Matt Baker commented
    June 03, 2019 20:45

    Currently users can insert .GIF images into emails to provide animation, but embedding video files directly is not supported, nor encouraged, due to email best practices for deliverability and mobile network responsiveness. We recommend inserting an image of the video play screen into the email which is linked to the hosted video (YouTube, Vimeo, etc.). This will allow you to track clicks to the video (views) while adhering to email best practices.