Liaison EMP

Stage-based and group-based checklists

Stage-based checklists

Using checklists on the Home PURL tab as a means of prompting students to complete their current stage is wonderful - but when used on other tabs that are not natively relying on Stage as a filter this gets more complicated, requiring otherwise unneeded alternate pages and exponential amounts of maintenance when changes are made.

Moving checklists to be Stage-based (or having a subset that are Stage-based) would allow for the checklist to be set on all tabs regardless of what stages can view the tab, eliminating the need for excess alternate tabs and cutting down on cluttered or inaccurate checklists.

Group-based checklists

It is quite confusing to our reps when they see multiple checklists on a student's record, some of which do not apply to that student. This could be easily solved by allowing an optional group filter in checklists settings.

Example use: Freshman application checklists vs. Transfer application checklists. We have different admission requirements, and this causes enough confusion already. Hiding the Transfer checklist on non-Transfer records would make this a non-issue.

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  • Jun 26 2018
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