Liaison EMP

Integrate with Calendly (interview scheduling software)

Many of our admissions staff use Calendly as an appointment scheduling tool. We would like EMP to integrate with Calendly allowing for touchpoints to be created as prospective students schedule appointments via Calendly.

  • Kristin McAuliffe
  • Jul 16 2020
  • Shipped
  • Attach files
  • Ben Malouf commented
    8 Apr, 2021 05:18pm

    Tiffany, you can find details here:

    I happened to stumble on your question while searching for the answer to the same question myself.

    Anthony, are there plans to enable Calendly links in emails from Reps? PURL integration is nice, but having a Calendly link pull into an email signature would be even better.

  • Tiffany Hanchett commented
    5 Apr, 2021 05:29pm

    Hi Anthony,

    Thank you for this notification. This idea is one I fully support and look forward to Liaison implementing.

    May I ask for clarity on what “shipped” status entails and timeline to delivery?

    Thank you!


    Tiffany Hanchett, MS
    Graduate Admissions Advisor, Online Program
    Boston University School of Social Work
    264 Bay State Road
    Boston, MA 02215
    E-mail: |Phone: (617) 353-5370 Fax: (617) 353-5612
    BUSSW Website | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram


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