Liaison EMP

Do not strip capitalization from importer and form submissions

When we import names, if they contain Mc or Mac, the next letter is automatically capitalized. Example: Mackenzie becomes MacKenzie. But when someone submits an inquiry form and intentionally spells a name like McGill, the system strips that capitalization and results in Mcgill in both the name and the PURL.


This incongruence is actually very frustrating as the only way to fix these errors is manually, but if there is any update to the name field it reverts to the system defaults. I'd really appreciate if the importer did not convert/change the casing and that any submission by a student be left as-is and not reformatted.

  • Guest
  • Oct 18 2018
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    • Guest commented
      October 29, 2018 16:18

      I'd like to make sure we're including all other letter combinations that this applies to, such as "Le", "Van", "Von", "St" and I believe there are others.