Liaison EMP


Merged idea

This idea has been merged into another idea. To comment or vote on this idea, please visit EMP1-I-49 Automated Group Actions.

Triggered To-Do by Field Completion Merged

Is it possible to set a triggered to-do when a specific field is completed?  What I would like to do is set a triggered to-do for the admissions counselor anytime the FAFSA received field is filled in.  I would like each counselor to be more aware of when this happens so we can get some type of financial aid award or estimate out to them.  I would also like to do this for our NPC-EFC field, so we can better identify when a student completes the NPC so we can get an estimate out to them quicker. Is this something that can be done?

  • Guest
  • Aug 29 2017
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