Liaison EMP

Text Message Manual Opt In

We have an opt in via our paper application and interest card, however, EMP does not support the opt-in being inputted manually. Any thoughts on a possible update to allow it?

  • J.R. Rogers
  • Aug 22 2017
  • Shipped
  • Oct 17, 2017

    Admin response

    We are currently developing a feature to bulk import opt-ins for text messaging.

  • Attach files
  • Kristin McAuliffe commented
    17 Oct, 2017 06:46pm

    The workaround I have used for this is to visit the PURL and opt-in on the PURL form. This will display the "Thank you for opting in" message on the student's PURL, which works out well for us. Not the easiest workaround, but it works.