Liaison EMP

Ability to have emails sent from assigned rep in nurture campaigns

I realize that I could create 4 parallel campaigns that each have separate email settings, but that creates a big need to edit 4x any items in the campaign (and I can't even imagine for bigger schools). It would be great if the from and reply-to settings could be set to the assigned rep rather than a static setup.
  • Guest
  • Aug 22 2017
  • Community Discussion
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  • Guest commented
    17 Jul, 2018 09:01pm

    I'd like to formally request this be bumped up in priority. Campaign management is getting more and more difficult because we've proven that emails coming from the admission counselor have a much higher open rate:
    56% counselor vs 22% generic university name in From field in applicant campaign
    59% counselor vs 35% generic university name in From field in admitted campaign

    This feature request would make achieving these higher number much more realistic for all clients!